
Saturday, June 13, 2020

Poetry in Practice (Light)

Poetry in Practice was scheduled to start up again on the 16th April at the Scottish Poetry Library. But...
From time to time over the years I’ve had one -to-one sessions with PiP writers. A body of poems would be submitted to me, I’d study them for some time, then meet with the author for two hours of discussion. (The Terrace Cafe in the Botanics was useful in good weather.) I thought it might be useful to adapt this to the current lockdown situation.

Anyone interested can email me five poems (as Word Documents). The maximum length for each poem is 30 lines – but I’ll make an exception for sestinas! I’ll study the poems and send out critiques by email; then we’ll arrange a 90-minute slot for a video discussion (FaceTime or Skype). I’ll happily continue the discussion beyond 90 minutes

 The fee for this is £55. (The fee for the face-to-face consultation was £100.)

This is obviously quite different from the cut and thrust of 13 people in a room at the SPL but I think it may be of interest to some.







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Jim C. Wilson  Poet
‘A true poet —